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About this course

JavaScript Essentials 2

This course is the second in a 2-course series, and it will prepare you for the JSA – Certified Associate JavaScript Programmer certification exam.

This course gives you the opportunity to dive deeper into JavaScript programming and learn how to analyze and model real-world problems in terms of object-oriented programming, and to learn more advanced techniques using functions, including but not limited to elements of asynchronous programming.

This course picks up where JavaScript Essentials 1 leaves off, with the primary goal of developing your skills related to the more advanced aspects of JavaScript programming, such as:

  • mastering general coding techniques and learning the basics of object-oriented programming (OOP) using class-based and classless approaches;
  • working with a selected set of built-in objects, providing additional programming functionality;
  • use of complex data structures such as Map or Set;
  • advanced use of functions including generators, iterators, closures and IIEE;
  • elements of asynchronous programming using both classic callback functions and promises.

The course will prepare you for entry-level jobs and careers connected with widely understood development, which includes junior front-end development positions associated with building and designing simple programs, junior back-end development positions associated with building and designing simple back-end programs, and junior tester positions associated with unit and integration tests.

You will learn

  • Design, develop, debug, execute, and refactor computer programs written in JavaScript
  • Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
  • Analyze and model real-life problems, and solve them using the procedural and OOP approaches
  • Solutions Architecture
  • Algorithmic and analytical thinking
  • Best practices in programming
  • Create, develop, and improve your own programming portfolio to increase your value in the job market

Course Syllabus

  • Creating individual objects (basic way to create object using literals)
  • Object properties (adding, modifying and deleting properties, nested properties )
  • Dot notation vs. bracket notation (dot notation as the primary way to refer to object fields, use of bracket notation to allow the use of multi-word and computed keys)
  • Property existence test and property enumeration (test for the presence of a field in an object, using the for ... in to pass the keys of an object, the Object.key method as an alternative to for ... in)
  • Comparing objects (the idea of object references, reference comparison vs. field comparison - deep comparison)
  • Coping objects (coping references, cloning, merging - Object.assign method; spread operator and shallow cloning, deep cloning concept)
  • Methods (function as an object property, define methods in the object body and add methods to existing objects, using this keyword inside of methods)
  • Getters and setters (methods treated as properties - defining and using getters and setters)
  • Property and object configuration (modifying attributes of objects and fields; using methods Object.defineProperty, Object.preventExtensions, Object.seal and Object.freeze)
  • Different ways to create classless objects (factories, constructor function and new operator, Object.create method)
  • Prototypes (prototype-based inheritance, object property __proto__, constructor function prototype property, use of setPrototypeOf method)

  • Class declaration (normal class declaration - keyword class; class body - constructor, properties, methods; class as first-class citizen - storing classes in variables and class expression)
  • Creating objects from a class (creation of an object based on a class; looking for a connection between an object and a source class - instanceof operator)
  • Properties (properties definition inside of class methods - constructor and regular methods; direct declaration inside of the class body)
  • Getters and setters (defining and using getters and setters)
  • Inheritance (class inheritance - extends keyword; shadowing methods and properties; using the super keyword in the constructor and in methods)
  • Static members (the concept of static members; methods and properties associated with a class instead of an object - defining and using)
  • Classes vs constructors (similarity of classes to constructors; conversion of a class into an adequate constructor function and vice versa)

  • Number constructor (number constructor - creating Number objects from data of different types, including various string formats; converting numbers into different string formats; static properties and methods of the Number constructor, i.e. properties defining the basic ranges)
  • String constructor (String constructor; string as an array of characters; case conversion methods; splitting the string; searching for and replacing substrings; padding and trimming; comparison of strings)
  • Date constructor (creating Date object - constructor; time zones and local time handling; getting current time; timestamp and using it to measure the time of code execution; time specification; operating on individual date and time components)
  • Array – basics (basic methods for managing an Array type collection - creating, merging, adding and removing items, passing through, slice method, splice method; use of spread operator; destructuring assignment)
  • Array – advanced methods (the functional approach: find, every, some, filter, sort, map and reduce)
  • Set type collection (concept of set data structure and Set object; basic methods and properties of Set objects - constructor, add, has, delete, clear, size; walking through elements - for ... of, iterators; spread operator)
  • Map type collection (concept of map data structure and Map object; basic methods and properties of Map objects - constructor, set, get, has, delete, clear, size; walking through elements - for ... of, iterators; spread operator)
  • Object as a data structure (using the object as a regular dictionary-type data structure; items management, walking through, spread operator)
  • Using the JSON object (basic concept of JSON /JavaScript Object Notation/ format; converting data to JSON - JSON.stringify method; parsing JSON format and obtaining data back - JSON.parse method)
  • Using the Math object (basic methods: ceil, floor, round, random, min, max, abs, pow, log, trigonometric functions)
  • Using the RegExp object (basic rules for creating regular expressions; abbreviated notation of a RegExp object declaration; using methods of RegExp and String objects for efficient searching of patterns in text: test, exec, match, search, replace)
  • Extending built-in types (using prototypes to extend built-in types - adding new properties and methods)

  • Extended function parameters handling (usage of default parameter values, rest parameter and spread operator; simulating named parameters)
  • Closure and IIFE (the use of closure - execution environment of the function; Immediately Invoked Function Expression - IIFE)
  • Forwarding calls (this keyword and functions; apply, call and bind methods that allow to call functions with the indicated context)
  • Decorating functions (functions as first-class citizens; passing functions as arguments and returning as results, higher order functions; decorating functions as adding new functionality using a wrapper function)
  • Generators and iterators (creating and using generators; the idea of iterable objects; generators as an element of iterable objects, iterators)
  • Handling asynchronous events using callback functions (concept of asynchronous programming; use of callback functions to handle asynchronous events)


JSA – Certified Associate JavaScript Programmer certification is a professional credential that demonstrates the candidate’s proficiency in Object-Oriented Analysis, Design and Programming (OOA/OOD/OOP), as well as the more advanced use of functions in the JavaScript language.

JSA badge

Becoming JSA certified ensures that the individual is acquainted with the essential means provided by the JavaScript language to enable them to design, develop, deploy, refactor, and maintain JavaScript programs and applications; analyze and model real-life problems in Object-Oriented Programming categories; create and develop their own programming portfolio; and start their own studies at a professional level, and to continue their further professional development.

JSA certification allows you to demonstrate that not only are you up to date with JavaScript-related issues, but also that you can competently deal with them.

Furthermore, with the OpenEDG JS Institute, you gain access to a large network of JavaScript programming professionals, a valuable resource for solving JavaScript-related problems, and for developing innovative solutions.

More Information: JSA – Certified Associate JavaScript Programmer

  • Channel: Edube Interactive
  • Sponsor: OpenEDG JS Institute
  • Mode: Online self-study course
  • Level: Intermediate
  • Cost: Free
  • Study Time: 50 hours
  • Language: English
  • Associated Certification: JSA – Certified Associate JavaScript Programmer
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Associated courses

JavaScript Essentials 1 (Beginner)

