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Have a look at an extended checklist script.

Pay attention to the fact that thanks to polymorphism and explicit chaining, our approach has become more generic: we are able to run two different checks, each returning a different exception type.

And we’re still able to handle them correctly, as we’re hiding some details behind the RocketNotReadyError exception object.

Final check procedure The captain's name is John The pilot's name is Mary The mechanic's name is Mike RocketNotReady exception: "Crew is incomplete", caused by "list index out of range" RocketNotReady exception: "Problem with fuel gauge", caused by "division by zero"



class RocketNotReadyError(Exception):

def personnel_check():
print("\tThe captain's name is", crew[0])
print("\tThe pilot's name is", crew[1])
print("\tThe mechanic's name is", crew[2])
print("\tThe navigator's name is", crew[3])
except IndexError as e:
raise RocketNotReadyError('Crew is incomplete') from e

def fuel_check():
print('Fuel tank is full in {}%'.format(100 / 0))
except ZeroDivisionError as e:
raise RocketNotReadyError('Problem with fuel gauge') from e

crew = ['John', 'Mary', 'Mike']
fuel = 100
check_list = [personnel_check, fuel_check]

print('Final check procedure')

for check in check_list:
except RocketNotReadyError as f:
print('RocketNotReady exception: "{}", caused by "{}"'.format(f, f.__cause__))
{{ dockerServerErrorMsg }} ×
{{ errorMsg }} ×
{{ successMsg }} ×