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Decorators with arguments

Another previously discussed snippet showed that decorators can accept arguments:

def warehouse_decorator(material): def wrapper(our_function): def internal_wrapper(*args): print('* Wrapping items from {} with {}'.format(our_function.__name__, material)) our_function(*args) print() return internal_wrapper return wrapper @warehouse_decorator('kraft') def pack_books(*args): print("We'll pack books:", args)

And this code could be transcribed to a decorator expressed as a class, presented in the right pane.

When you pass arguments to the decorator, the decorator mechanism behaves quite differently than presented in example of decorator that does not accept arguments (previous slide):

  • the reference to function to be decorated is passed to __call__ method which is called only once during decoration process,
  • the decorator arguments are passed to __init__ method


class WarehouseDecorator:
def __init__(self, material):
self.material = material

def __call__(self, own_function):
def internal_wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
print('<strong>*</strong> Wrapping items from {} with {}'.format(own_function.__name__, self.material))
own_function(*args, **kwargs)
return internal_wrapper

def pack_books(*args):
print("We'll pack books:", args)

def pack_toys(*args):
print("We'll pack toys:", args)

def pack_fruits(*args):
print("We'll pack fruits:", args)

pack_books('Alice in Wonderland', 'Winnie the Pooh')
pack_toys('doll', 'car')
pack_fruits('plum', 'pear')
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