Module (23%)
Section (60%)

Estimated time

20 minutes

Level of difficulty



  • improving the student's skills in operating with multiple inheritance;
  • pointing out the nature of multiple inheritance problems.


  • Your task is to build a multifunction device (MFD) class consisting of methods responsible for document scanning, printing, and sending via fax.
  • The methods are delivered by the following classes:
    • scan(), delivered by the Scanner class;
    • print(), delivered by the Printer class;
    • send() and print(), delivered by the Fax class.
  • Each method should print a message indicating its purpose and origin, like:
    • 'print() method from Printer class'
    • 'send() method from Fax class'
  • create an MFD_SPF class ('SPF' means 'Scanner', 'Printer', 'Fax'), then instantiate it;
  • create an MFD_SFP class ('SFP' means 'Scanner', 'Fax', 'Printer'), then instantiate it;
  • on each object call the methods: scan(), print(), send();
  • observe the output differences. Was the Printer class utilized each time?


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