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When the type() function is called with three arguments, then it dynamically creates a new class.

For the invocation of type(, , ):

  • the argument specifies the class name; this value becomes the __name__ attribute of the class;
  • the argument specifies a tuple of the base classes from which the newly created class is inherited; this argument becomes the __bases__ attribute of the class;
  • the argument specifies a dictionary containing method definitions and variables for the class body; the elements of this argument become the __dict__ attribute of the class and state the class namespace.

A very simple example, when both bases and dictionary are empty, is presented in the right pane.

Dog = type('Dog', (), {}) print('The class name is:', Dog.__name__) print('The class is an instance of:', Dog.__class__) print('The class is based on:', Dog.__bases__) print('The class attributes are:', Dog.__dict__)

As a result, we have created the simple class “Dog”.


Dog = type('Dog', (), {})

print('The class name is:', Dog.__name__)
print('The class is an instance of:', Dog.__class__)
print('The class is based on:', Dog.__bases__)
print('The class attributes are:', Dog.__dict__)
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