Module (43%)
Section (100%)

Estimated time

15-30 minutes

Level of difficulty



  • creating classes, methods, and variables;
  • calling methods;
  • getting simple access to instance variables;
Mobile phone


  • create a class representing a mobile phone;
  • your class should implement the following methods:
    • __init__ expects a number to be passed as an argument; this method stores the number in an instance variable self.number
    • turn_on() should return the message 'mobile phone {number} is turned on'. Curly brackets are used to mark the place to insert the object's number variable;
    • turn_off() should return the message 'mobile phone is turned off';
    • call(number) should return the message 'calling {number}'. Curly brackets are used to mark the place to insert the object's number variable;
  • create two objects representing two different mobile phones; assign any random phone numbers to them;
  • implement a sequence of method calls on the objects to turn them on, call any number. Print the methods' outcomes;
  • turn off both mobiles.

Example output

mobile phone 01632-960004 is turned on mobile phone 01632-960012 is turned on calling 555-34343 mobile phone is turned off mobile phone is turned off



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