Exam Progress ({{ progress }}%)
You must start the test before Time Left: {{ renderRemainingTime() }}
{{ currentSection.name }} ({{ questionCounter }}/{{ numberOfQuestions }}) Question {{ questionCounter }}/{{ numberOfQuestions }}
Advanced Classes and OOP | FINAL TEST
You are about to begin your exam. Click Next to proceed.
{{ isEFIProgram() ? "Non-Disclosure Agreement" : "Non-Disclosure Agreement and General Terms of Service for OpenEDG Exams" }}

This exam is confidential. OpenEDG owns the questions and the exam content. You can only use the exam to test your knowledge. You must not share, copy or publish any part of the exam without OpenEDG's permission. We will use the registration data you gave us to send your score to the exam session organizer. We'll also keep a record of your personal and exam information in our database. If you want to see, modify or delete your information, you can contact services@openedg.org. You need to agree to these rules before you take the exam. If you don't accept them, you won't be allowed to take the exam.

This exam is confidential. OpenEDG’s or its affiliate’s (s’) rights in the intellectual property, copyright and trademarks used in providing the exam are protected by law. The exam is made available to you as a candidate, solely for the purpose of your assessment. You are expressly prohibited from disclosing, publishing, reproducing, or transmitting this test, in whole or in part, in any form or by any means including visual, aural, verbal, written, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the prior express written permission of OpenEDG.

The personal data which you provided on registration will be used to transmit your score to the exam session organizer for monitoring purposes.

Your personal data and exam data will be stored in the OpenEDG database.

OpenEDG reminds you that you have the right to access, delete, and modify your personal data. To exercise such right, please contact services@openedg.org.

In order to proceed to your exam you must accept the terms of this Non-Disclosure Agreement.

Code of Honor
I pledge to follow the Code of Honor and obey the rules for taking this test:
  • I will work entirely alone on this test, and all the solutions I submit will be my own work;
  • I will not share my solutions to the test with anyone;
  • I will not use a false identity, or take this test in somebody else’s name;
  • I will not engage in any unfair activities that will dishonestly improve my results or influence somebody else’s results.
Advanced Classes and OOP | FINAL TEST
Time limit: 45 minutes
Number of questions: 30
Points to score: 30
Passing score: 70%
{{ currentSection.name }}
Time limit: {{ currentSection.timeLimitInMinutes }} minutes
Number of questions: {{ currentSection.questions.length }}
Passing score: {{ currentSection.passingThreshold }}%
Remaining Playbacks: {{ getRemainingPlaybacks(currentQuestion) }}
Word Count: {{ wordCounter }} Character Count: {{ characterCounter }}
  • {{ option.option }}
True False
{{ item.content }}
{{ currentSection.name }} Review Screen
  • Question {{ index + 1 }} ({{ question.customId }})

Exam Complete

Your score: {{ scoreInPoints }}/30 TBD
{{ scoreInPercent }}%
Congratulations, you've passed the test! Unfortunately, you didn't have enough correct answers to pass the test. Try again!

You have completed your exam. The exam session information and the images you have submitted will now be reviewed to verify that all rules and regulations have been followed correctly, and your exam score will be determined based on the responses you have provided.

Your official exam result and score report will be submitted to you within 72 hours. Click End Session to leave the exam window and log out of your Test Candidate account.

{{ sectionScore.section.name }} {{ formatScoreInPercent(sectionScore) }}

Status: {{ isPassed ? "Pass" : "Fail" }}

Please copy-and-paste the code below into Mechanical Turk so that we can confirm your participation.
Once you do that, you can close this page.

{{ mturkCode }}
End Session
Your exam has been terminated

{{ terminatedExamText }}

Exam Objectives
Item Section Objective Sub-objective Status
Question {{ index + 1 }} {{ examObjective.exam_section }}
Advanced Classes and OOP | FINAL TEST
Time limit: 45 minutes
Number of questions: 30
Points to score: 30
Passing score: 70%
