Module (72%)
Section (50%)

At the beginning of the serialization module, we mentioned that serialized objects could be persisted in a database or sent via a network. This implies another two functions corresponding to the pickle.dumps() and pickle.loads() functions:

  • pickle.dumps(object_to_be_pickled) – expects an initial object, returns a byte object. This byte object should be passed to a database or network driver to persist the data;
  • pickle.loads(bytes_object) – expects the bytes object, returns the initial object.

An example of in situ serialization and deserialization is presented in the right pane.


import pickle

a_list = ['a', 123, [10, 100, 1000]]
bytes = pickle.dumps(a_list)
print('Intermediate object type, used to preserve data:', type(bytes))

# now pass 'bytes' to appropriate driver

# therefore when you receive a bytes object from an appropriate driver you can deserialize it
b_list = pickle.loads(bytes)
print('A type of deserialized object:', type(b_list))
print('Contents:', b_list)
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